Entered string is Palindrome or not can be tested using Recursion as Shown by Following Code::
def isletter(c): #function to check that character c is a letter or not
return ('a'<=c<='z')or ('A'<=c<='Z')
def paltest(line):
if len(line)<=1:return True
elif not isletter(line[0]):return paltest(line[1:]) #ignoring first not letter
elif not isletter(line[-1]):return paltest(line[:-1]) #ignoring last not letter
elif line[0].lower()!=line[-1].lower():return False
else:return paltest(line[1:len(line)-1]) #palindrome testing recursive call
string=input("Enter any String: ")
if(paltest(string)) : print("Yes,Palindrome")
else: print("Not,Palindrome")