Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

HTML Paragraph and New Line Tag

For paragraph HTML has a paragraph tag which is as per given below

<p>any description.....</p>

Following will help you Understand :
<p>"We want every kid in the world to be excited about the many possibilities coding can unlock-for themselves,for their communities and for society.Everyone should have the opportunity to learn computer science at school and beyond".</p>



"We want every kid in the world to be excited about the many possibilites coding can unlock-for themselves,for their communities and for society.Everyone should have the opportunity to learn computer science at school and beyond".

For new line HTML has a tag <br>


This tag has no closing tag.

Following will help you understand:

Gndec Programming<br>
Gndec Programming<br>
Gndec Programming


Gndec Programming
Gndec Programming
Gndec Programming

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HTML Heading tag

There are six tags which are used for heading
that is h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6  all leads to heading but different size

Following will help you understand :

Tag Desciption

Gndec Programming


Gndec Programming


Gndec Programming


Gndec Programming

Gndec Programming
Gndec Programming

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

HTML Basics

HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language

Basically HTML is used for webpage designing.It has many attributes,tags etc. which helps in designing of web pages

Below Given is a basic HTML Structure
<h1>My First Webpage</h1>

headUsed for describing head of a web page
bodyUsed for describing body of a web page
h1Used for heading
(1 to 6 there are headings and these are in descending size)
pUsed for paragraph

You can create your own webpage using any editor say Notepad 
Just write the code in Notepad and save it using .html or .htm extension
Then open the file in any web browser to see what is output
